A Child’s Lesson

Childs LessonThe moment the practitioner engages with your child their lesson has begun. Your attention, as a parent, has significance for your child and it is important that you observe and take in as much of what transpires as you can, refraining from activities such as eating or using a cell phone. Your participation may be requested.

The lesson takes place on a lightly padded table. For the child’s comfort, the caregiver may sit beside the table. Sometimes the child has a lesson, or part of a lesson, while sitting on their parent’s lap.

If the child is not ready to be touched, the practitioner will interact verbally using the same principles established in the 9 Essentials. All children are guided in small gentle movements, some from the start and others these they become willing. When offered in a safe, information rich environment, children naturally take advantage of opportunities for growth.

Lessons for most kids are 30-45 minutes in length. Small children or children who experience a significant new skill may have shorter lessons.  Continuing the lesson after a big breakthrough will risk overwhelm, possibly causing loss of the new skill.

Please have a snack or bottle ready for the child as they often become hungry during lessons. Babies may nurse as they receive their lesson.

Next: Movement Lessons