NeuroMovement ® for Greater Ease & Precision in Coming Up to Standing from Sitting & Lying Through Gentle, Safe Movement Engage & Refine Your Brain for Resilience & Balance Reduce aches, pain and limitations Increase strength, flexibility and balance Come up from lying or sitting with greater confidence Enjoy all movement Have a […]

How the Anat Baniel Method helps your brain become better organized and more effective.
The Anat Baniel Method International (ABMI) is an educational method that utilizes movement. The Anat Baniel Method evokes life changing learning for people of every age and condition. Some, who were never expected to walk, or make sense of their world or create lives for themselves, do walk, perceive and communicate clearly and direct […]

March 10 2014 Newsletter
How great it would be for you to receive this gentle work, move more efficiently, improve in mental function and receive 50% off, too!Its not too late.Take advantage of the incredible March offer by scheduling 2 or more sessions in a week!From the stand point of your brain, it is a fantastic idea!Your new neural […]

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