NeuroMovement ® for Greater Ease & Precision in Coming Up to Standing from Sitting & Lying Through Gentle, Safe Movement Engage & Refine Your Brain for Resilience & Balance Reduce aches, pain and limitations Increase strength, flexibility and balance Come up from lying or sitting with greater confidence Enjoy all movement Have a […]
About Rosalie
Rosalie Lamb is a Mastery Level Anat Baniel Method (ABM) Practitioner. She utilizes touch and movement as powerful modes of communication and engages people with skill, care and respect. Rosalie's expert use of touch and knowledge of the body in motion have helped hundreds of people to overcome movement challenges through individual sessions, workshops and classes.Author Archive | Rosalie

How the Anat Baniel Method helps your brain become better organized and more effective.
The Anat Baniel Method International (ABMI) is an educational method that utilizes movement. The Anat Baniel Method evokes life changing learning for people of every age and condition. Some, who were never expected to walk, or make sense of their world or create lives for themselves, do walk, perceive and communicate clearly and direct […]

March 10 2014 Newsletter
How great it would be for you to receive this gentle work, move more efficiently, improve in mental function and receive 50% off, too!Its not too late.Take advantage of the incredible March offer by scheduling 2 or more sessions in a week!From the stand point of your brain, it is a fantastic idea!Your new neural […]

Your Confident Kid October Newsletter
Who we are. What we do. My gift for you!! Freebies for kids! Hot book review! Your child can make significant, meaningful changes! Awaken Your Child’s Brilliance!Hi! I’m Rosalie Lamb Through slow gentle movement I provide your child’s brain with essential information about the way they are moving. With this information your child’s brain […]

Waking up your back! A Gift!
Transformational Movement Lesson! For the best outcome, pay attention to how moving feels! My gift for You! 1. Sit near the front of your chair. Notice how sitting feels. Where do you feel you use effort to sit? Do you feel more weight on one buttock than the other? Do you use your arms to […]
San Rafael, CA: Free Special Needs Mini Workshop
Children with Special Needs: A 2-Hour FREE Experiential Workshop for Parents, Professionals, and Caregivers Taught by Anat Baniel August 3, 2013, 6 – 8 pm • San Rafael, CA In this free, experiential two-hour workshop you will: Learn how to turn your child into a powerful learner Discover the 9 essentials for waking up your […]
Come hang out with me Saturday August 3!
Drop by the “Wall Ceremony of Pioneers of South Berkeley and Block Party”. I’ll be hosting an information table for Parents and giving two 10 minute Presentations on the Anat Baniel Method for Children on August 3rd. There will also be face painting, a Jumper and more, all free for kids. Wall Ceremony of Pioneers […]

August 17th Vitality and Anti Aging Workshop
“I feel much greater ease as I sit, walk and turn. I sleep better! I want to shout about this miracle!” Stephanie Smith, student in Rosalie’s Tuesday ABM movement Class in Berkeley I’m so happy to offer a second Workshop in Berkeley this year! The magic of Workshops is that there are so many new neural […]

Anat Baniel Method Free Children’s Clinic September 7th in Berkeley
I’m happy to announce that I’m partnering with Robin Peter Zander and Olga Lubarsky for our next East Bay Free Children’s Clinic! These occasional free clinics offer an opportunity for parents and caregivers to observe, in a community environment, gentle hands-on work that provides significant changes for their child. Children become more calm, focused and […]
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